2024 Event bookings are now closed

Training | Expedition | Non-walker Registration & Booking 👇

Limited Teams

We have limited teams who can attend the physical event for both the Training and Expedition options. The teams must consist of a minimum of 4 persons and a maximum of 8, including any Leaders walking as part of the Training Team.

Please complete the form at the bottom of this page to register your team. If you have any questions, please get in touch with the Booking Team (bookings@sixsummitschallenge.org.uk).

The cost for the event is ÂŁ16.50 per Scout/Explorer (There is no charge for leaders).

Registration Overview

  1. Register your Team and all non-walking adults/young people via the form at the bottom of this page.
  2. You must have named team members in order for a registration to be accepted before the closing date.
  3. Email and details of how to register team members and adults will be sent by email.
    • We will use OnlineScoutManager (OSM) to register and manage teams and individuals for the event.
    • Leaders can decide to copy young people’s records or create a new registration for participating in the event.
  4. Parents and Leaders must update our mandatory health & participation form via OnlineScoutManager before the event.
  5. For Scouts and Explorers, parent or guardian email addresses must be used.


Q: What if we do not use OnelineScoutManager (OSM)?
A: You do not need to be using OSM; we have an option for attendees to register just with the event through OSM

Q: How do we pay?
A: The registering Leader will be sent an invoice and details on how to pay for the event. We will not contact individual team members via any other means, including OSM for Training and Expedition teams.

Q: What if I already use OSM for my Scout Group, and we want to create new records for the event?
A: Scouts and Explorers to create a new OSM record following the registration link on the self-registration page. Complete the additional registration steps using the OSM registration welcome email. You do not need to create a new account if you use the same email address already registered with OSM; log in to OSM as you would normally. The parent portal will see a new entry, ‘Scout Name’ / Registration / Six Summits Challenge. Please check and update that record.

Q: Who needs to register?
All adults and young people attend the event, regardless of whether they are walking or not. Leaders need to register their team, and anyone attending the event who is not on a registered team, including all adults & young people not walking, must register themselves.

Q: How do I register?
A: To start, complete the form below and inform our booking team. You will receive an email with more information on the next steps.

Q: Is there a maximum weight for Expedition Team members?
A: Yes, as of 2024, the event participant’s rucksack weight must not exceed 15kg, and we recommend limiting it to 12kg.

Q: Advice on moving equipment between campsites.
A: The event cannot support moving equipment or people between the start, campsites, and the end; each Group or Unit will need to arrange this themselves. Experience shows that minibuses work best with a dedicated driver and support person.

Registration Form (Opens 1st January 2025)

Team and non-walker bookings are now closed for 2024, and bookings for next year’s events will open on 1 January 2025.

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