2024 Event: Bookings open 1st January 2024 and will close on 17th March or when we reach the maximum number of teams
The expedition event is open to Scouts from the age of 12, with an option for Explorers to participate. Scouts and Explores walk carrying all they need for the three-day expedition. The teams must consist of a minimum of 4 persons and a maximum of 8.
About Expedition
Scouts and Explorers navigate the entire route, camp and cook unaided by Troop or Unit leaders, with the only support of Six Summits Expedition Leaders. As with Training Teams, challenges will be completed along the route, and any training badges not already earned will be completed.
Birmingham Scout D of E advisor has approved the Expedition Event to qualify for the D Of E Bronze expedition. You must ensure your D of E advisor completed the appropriate assessment.
Prior To The Weekend
Before the event, participants will need to complete a series of training hikes and navigation exercises. Scouts and Explorers should complete a training hike with all the equipment and food they would need for Six Summits weekend.
The Weekend
Throughout the weekend, the teams on this challenge will navigate through checkpoints, pitch their tents, and cook their own meals. Scouts and Explorers need to complete this unaided and unsupported by young people’s leaders as part of the challenge.
As of the 2024 event, the participant’s rucksack weight must not exceed 15kg, and we recommend limiting it to 12kg.
Join The Adventure
Get yourself or your Group involved with the Six Summits adventure and register.