Bookings for 2025 are now open

Registration: Leader Info Pack & Process

Online Scout Manager (OSM)

We are utilising OSM to manage the event. We have decided to use OSM for GDPR, data compliance and governance reasons, and any data we hold in OSM will be deleted after the event when all outstanding actions are completed.

Who needs to register?

Every person, in whatever capacity attending the event, must register.

Step 1, Initial registration via Google Form on the registration page, allows the Booking Team to gather some initial information.

Step 2: Share your Young People’s OSM record with the event; more details below.

Registering adults and young people through OSM can be completed in one of two ways:

Option One:

If you are utilising OSM already, you can copy a person to Six Summits Challenge: Training or Six Summits Challenge: Expedition, depending on which the team has entered.

However, we require that if you copy a record, you have informed the parent or adult of the record you are copying; this is the sole responsibility of sharing Scout Group or Explorer Unit.

Information we use via OSM

The event will not be updating any records except the custom records we require for the event, and will be asking parents to update the following information to support everyone during the event:

All Young People and Adults

  • Parent and emergency information is up-to-date.
  • Six Summits Notes
  • Medical consent for treatment
  • Hay Fever
  • Lactose Intolerant
  • Asthma
  • Nut Allergy
  • Travel Sickness
  • Epilepsy
  • Social Difficulties
  • Behavioural Difficulties

Adults Only

  • First Aid (Mandatory)
  • Safeguarding (Mandatory)
  • Safety (Mandatory)
  • DBS Info
  • Scout Group (Full Name)
  • Expedition Event? (Yes/No)
  • Training Event? (Yes/No)
  • Adult Support? (Yes/No)
  • Over 18 Scout Membership Number

Option One: Sharing OSM Record(s)

Sharing Records: You are responsible for contacting and informing your parents and adults of OSM records you intend to share with the Six Summits Challenge Event. Note: Any parent who does not want to share the record must create a new record with us, as in Option Two (below).

Below is an example of how to share OSM Records

  • All Adults: Six Summits Challenge: Training
  • Training Challenge: Six Summits Challenge: Training
  • Expedition Challenge: Six Summits Challenge: Expedition

Overview of How to Share:

  • Open OSM and select ‘Personal Details’
  • Select all records you will be sharing (Six Summits Challenge participants and adults attending)
  • Above the member names, select the ‘Moving On‘ option and the sub option ‘Share with another section
  • From the option ‘Or any section in the country‘, select ‘Scouts
  • Type ‘Six Summits Challenge‘ and pick
  • Six Summits Challenge: Training (Training Teams and All supporting Adults to be shared with this section)
  • Six Summits Challenge: Expedition (Expedition Team members only)
  • The record will be copied, and our booking team will accept the invite if they match the Google Forms information and add them to your registered team.

Option Two:

If you do not wish to share records, or you do not use OSM, then we will ask that you get parents to register on our OSM Registration page, along with all adults who are also attending.

We require parents to register the young person so they can update their health records before the event. If these details are not updated, you cannot attend. We would require the same information as above to be completed.

After registration has been completed, the parent or adult will receive a welcome email and ask that they update some additional information so we can assign the registration to the correct team. This additional information includes:

  • Scout Group Name (full name of your Scout Group & Troop, please)
  • Expedition Event (full expedition)? (Yes / No) 
  • Training Event (day sack)? (Yes / No)
  • Adult Support (if over 18)? (Yes / No)
  • Scout Membership Number (Over 18’s only)

The Six Summits Event utilises the same information as with option One

Suggested approach
  • Email your parent(s) and leaders who are attending the Six Summits Challenge with
  • Link to Self-registration guide
  • Explain that they must register and look out for our welcome email.
  • Ensure that any attendees know that the welcome email sent from registration must be actioned before we can add to the event.
  • Closer to the event, we will ask for key event information to be updated/added, and we will ensure that the registration Leader is given notice first.

The Process

Flow Diagram

Key Information

Event organiser email:

Booking support:

Information to support self-registration: weblink

OSM Registration page: weblink