Bookings for 2025 are now open

Registration: Self-Registration

Who Needs to Register?

Your Scout Troop or Explorer Unit has registered to take part in the Six Summit Challenge. We utilise Online Scout Manager (OSM) to manage participants taking part in the event and ask you to register with the event. The registration is for

  • Young people (Scout or Explorer) participanting.
  • Young people who are volenteering.
  • Adults who are volenteering or attendiong in any capacity.
  • ALl event staff.

We use OSM for GDPR, data compliance and governance reasons, and any data we hold in OSM will be deleted after the event when all outstanding actions are completed.

Registration Process

Flow Diagram

Key Information

Event organiser email:

Booking support:

OSM Registration page: weblink


Q: What if I already use OSM for my Scout Group?
A: Still complete the registration as described on the page and welcome email. The exception is you do not need to create a new account, if you use the same email address, log in to OSM as you would normally. You will see a new entry ‘Scout Name’ / Registration / Six Summits Challenge. Please check and update that record. You Leader has decided to not use your normal OSM record card for this event.

Q: I’ve not seen the welcome email?
A: Check your junk, spam and non-important mail folders, email should come from ‘Bookings @ Six Summits Challenge’

Q: What communication will I get from the event?
A: We will only email when we require the record card we hold for you checked or updated. We will ask for you to update key health information before the event and we will email you directly. We will also let your Leaders know this needs to be completed. All other communication will come through your Leader(s).

Q: I am an adult helper for the event, do I need to register?
A: Every person who is attending needs to be registered for the event, failure to register will prevent us from allowing you to join in with the event.